Good News In Regards To The Cleaning Of Valsequillo

We are pleased to share with the people of Puebla that within a few months of the project to clean up the Valsequillo Dam, the results are positively positive.

The first results obtained in the water quality of the Valsequillo Dam, as a result of the advanced oxidation treatment carried out in the last four months through the implementation of the operation of the Scanvenger 2000 ships, acquired by the State Government, are significantly positive .

The preliminary results presented are carried out by certified laboratories in the city of Puebla and Mexico without being representative of a seasonal or multi-year cycle, since the work of the ships is planned for the next 10 years.

The results compare the condition of water quality in Valsequillo Dam before and after treatment for zone 5 between La Panga and La Cortina.

As the first quality parameter we will mention the fecal coliforms, obtaining on average more than 80% and in some cases exceeding 90% reduction in the samplings. This favors the water quality of the dam for subsequent irrigation, for visitors and inhabitants settled around the dam in case of direct contact.

The results of physical parameters such as color, smell and turbidity have exceeded our expectations; the smell has decreased significantly; the turbidity has diminished considerably from the area of ​​the dam called “La Panga” to the curtain of the same going from 38.2 to 16.1 NTU (Nephemetric Turbidity Units) showing the clearest water.

The chemical oxygen demand (COD) presents an average reduction that exceeds 60% of the values ​​before treatment, going from 120 mg / l to 68 mg / l. Which implies a decrease of the organic matter present in the water of the dam.

The dissolved oxygen in the water has increased considerably, which allows to generate necessary conditions for a greater development of the aquatic fauna.

After the treatment, metals such as Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Aluminum (Al) and Manganese (Mn), among others, were also reduced, which generates water of better quality for recreational use.

It is worth mentioning that professors of the Group of Geo-Environmental Studies and Water Quality of the CIIEMAD-IPN develop a scientific research parallel to ours, finding significant correlations with the results presented here.

The exposed results have been measured in the month of February, ending the first three months of the implementation of the treatment. At present, the three vessels continue to work actively to improve the waters of the Valsequillo Dam. We are also carrying out another generalized measurement of the water quality of the dam that will show us the results four months after the start of the treatment. We will be communicating the results in a timely manner.

Finally, Dellepere Enterprises Corp and Florida Export Financial Corporation (Trustee of the State of Florida) thanks the authorities of the Government of the State of Puebla for the trust and the opportunity to contribute to improving the water quality of the Valsequillo Dam that will impact the current and future generations of the towns.


Dellepere Enterprises Corp.

By |2019-04-02T01:54:10+00:00April 2nd, 2019|