Dellepere Enterprises Advanced Oxidation Technology
With a team of excellent professionals, we design and manufacture a unique system in the world for dosing oxygen and ozone in the form of nano and micro bubbles, which is enhanced with the use of ultraviolet radiation to decontaminate and recover bodies of fresh water and salty This system has been validated by the development of a mathematical model which predicts the necessary amount of these gases that is required for the process of remediating the water resources to be treated and the times involved in said task.
This mathematical model has been scientifically validated through publication in one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world. Until now, there was no tool that simulated the behavior of nature in the different chemical, physical and biological processes that occur when trying to decontaminate water. For this reason, this mathematical model has been patented in the United States of America and its use is only permitted for our clients.
Impact That Our Technology Has On The Atmosphere
Polluted bodies of water can release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as they contain high concentrations of organic matter and low levels of dissolved oxygen (O2). This is because, under these conditions, bacteria appear that produce methane gas (CH4), which is 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide (CO2) in terms of greenhouse gases.
Dellepere Enterprises technology significantly reduces the release of this gas by eliminating up to 90% of the amount of organic matter (measured as COD and BOD) and increasing the levels of oxygen dissolved in the water. This allows our clients to access different financing mechanisms in the form of emission certificates (carbon credits), since this action contributes to atmospheric improvement. Currently, there are already certified methodologies to access this type of financing; one of them is the AMS-III.I methodology. Obtaining these carbon credits allows our clients to recover between 80 and 100% of the acquisition cost of our technology.
Impact of Our Technology on Water Treatment Systems
Nuestra tecnología es de gran ayuda para los manejadores de las plantas potabilizadoras cuya fuente de abastecimiento es algún cuerpo de agua superficial (lago, laguna, río, embalse). Esto se debe a que nuestros productos pueden reducir hasta en un 80 % los niveles de turbidez y de patógenos del agua reduciendo así sus costos de operación al utilizar menos insumos como agentes coagulantes y/o desinfectantes.
Por otro lado, muchas fuentes de abastecimiento de agua potable presentan Bloom de cianobacterias toxicas. Estos organismos presentan un peligro para la salud humana al no ser eficientemente removidos de los sistemas de potabilización. Sin embargo, al aplicar la tecnología de oxidación avanzada de Dellepere Enterprises en la fuente de abastecimiento de agua potable, estos organismos y sus respectivas toxinas se eliminan antes de entrar a los sistemas de potabilización.
Helping the Environment
We specialize in the development and implementation of environmental projects for the decontamination and recovery of rivers, bays, lakes, lagoons, and ports in the shortest time technically possible.